The official website of the Fan-Made Text Adaptation.
(web comic-to-be once artist is secured)
Here you can find the Story,
+ eXtras such as playlists and my own videos.
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Releasing -Weekends!
(from first of February)

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Take Me With You - Cyclops & Jean Grey fan video
Compelled by the realistic world building of the original
X-Men movies and those interpretations of Cyclops & Jean Grey, X-Men Envisionings is a pragmatic adaptation
/ alternate continuation of that version of the mutant
world and its characters; riffing off from the events
and continuity of the first two movies plus "X3: Unseen",
with further inspiration drawn from the comics,
animated series, and their storytelling principles.
Ideally this will be a web comic, but as I don't have those skills, for now it's a text adaptation. If the idea inspires you and you'd like to be the artist for it, shoot me an Email (telkjplang@gmail.com), or a DM on Discord (un: techtraplex
dn: 🎬TechtraPlex👓).
Taking a "never or now" approach, this series is a work-in-progress, releasing unfinalized drafts.
"...The creature will still go through a few more mutations ... always adapting to new ideas in the hopes of making it better. Stronger. The evolution continues.
Quote by Michael Dougherty & Dan Harris
on the script of X2, April 20th 2003.
For your open mind and your time:
🧬 Cychtra
🎼Cue X-Men Movie Theme🎼