So new-post-release-day will be moving from Thursdays to Fridays, effective this week! While I continue to iron out these odds and ends, I thank you once again for your patience. Remember - if things are feeling a little helter-skelter, you can always make use of the "log in" button in the top right of the header bar to (actually) sign-up, so you'll receive Email* notification of new posts. Ensuring no matter what, you don't miss a one!
*as this is a new feature, do contact me if in fact it does not work accordingly.
ThX ~Tra
P.S. a few Fun Friday Facts:
The Fridays the first 2 X-Men movies released on were:
July 14th 2000
May 2nd 2003
Of all the movies -counting main films, the Wolverine spin-off trilogy and New Mutants-
only one, X-Men: First Class did not release on a Friday.
If you add up the numerical values of the letters in "Friday" (using standard A=1, B=2 etc.), the resulting sum will be 63! The year X-Men comics first appeared!