Hey there, X-Fans!
Inspiration has come to me in waves and bolts recently, with one of the results being an exciting addition to the present plot!
I've decided a delayed release is in order to fit things nicely into place. So once again, intrepid readers, I thank you for your patience and ensure you: the wait will be worth it!
This also seems like a good time for a Note On Terminology:
You may have wondered "Is there a difference between a 'gap week' and a 'release delay'? Or is one a new way of saying the other?"
Well there is! And it isn't!
To clarify:
A Gap Week is a definite delay until the regular time the following week.
A Release Delay is a less determinate time If the Part is already fine-tuned in a couple of days, it may be released on Tuesday, say, allowing for the next new Part to still be released that weekend as it originally would have. Or the delayed Part may take longer than a week to be release-ready, still with the possibility of release on a different day of the week than usual so things truck along closer to their original schedule.
And while we're talking terminology, a Break Week is a planned gap; typically used between storylines to allow time to digest before the next.
Gap Weeks and Release Delays are always dependent on something coming up- a wrench in the works or, in this case, inspiration -in other words, they're impromptu.
So keep your eyes on this space, X-Fans! It's the best way to keep up with the action!