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(Obsolete Draft) Vol. #1 - Relativity - Part 7 (Obsolete Draft)

Writer's picture: Techtra TronicalTechtra Tronical

Updated: Oct 31, 2024

Over the next couple days, Xavier repeats his message to the mutants of New York: '... I implore you again to seek out the Mutant Outreach Centre ... A friend will be waiting there to provide initial assistance, and WE will do all we can to address the compromise to your mutation. You may come assured I ask only for your trust. May we meet soon.'

Later, in the foyer, an area off to the side has been designated for Nightcrawler to bring in the affected. Presently he BAMFS in two more from the Outreach Centre. Xavier is there to welcome and provide instruction to them. Nightcrawler BAMFS away back to the Centre

A young adult of First Nations descent enters the Mansion.

This is Jaclyn Chreiyz. Holo's older sister and guardian.

She hangs back until Xavier is finished. Noticing her, he closes the distance before she can. "I'm glad you're not among those affected."

Does he know because she came on her own steam? Because of his powers?

Jaclyn is only almost surprised. "I've been out of the city and only heard your message today. Is Holo alright? I mean I trust she hasn't been affected, but is she safe here?" Jaclyn's tone isn't judgmental of the Mansion, just worried.

"The safest. Though there's yet to be any further documentation of Rose Mist being released, we are keeping everyone on the premises to be safe, and we have the fortunate consolation that it is not contagious among those who have been affected."

Jaclyn breathes a relieved breath.

"However, now that you're here, I am worried for Holo due to her abilities. In order for the students to understand the gravity of the situation, we informed them, in general terms, what we've discovered to be the extent of this...virus. That is, that mutants lose resistance to their own powers. Another student elucidated what horror that might be -inadvertently, I'm sure- leading to Holo causing herself -and others- some trauma by imagining this scenario with Cyclops."

Aware of her sister's affinity for the X-Man, Jaclyn's resulting gasp is sympathetic: "Oh Holo!"

"She's imagined more. Despite our efforts and, to Holo's credit, her own, she's unable to keep her thoughts away from the subject for long. It isn't so easy as turning off an inappropriate program when that program exists in your mind."

"Maybe I should take her home, then. Give her some distance from this."

"I feel that won't be enough. She'll still, no doubt, be wondering on the state of everyone which means the environment in her mind will see little difference. I am afraid for both her general mental state going forward, and that of her relationship with her powers if we can't get her to stop."

Jaclyn's expression displays troubled puzzlement at how to address this.

Xavier goes on: "What I would like to do, with your permission, is put Holo into a psychically induced sleep until this is over."

"Have you done that before?"

"In fact, due to the circumstances, Cyclops' brother is presently under one."

"Well, how would that work? Where would she be after?"

"She would be in an area of the lab set aside for her, her condition being monitored while she sleeps. Dr. McCoy and Dr. Grey are working around the clock trying to deduce a cure, so at least one of them will be present at any time. The affected mutants are gathered in our Danger Room, repurposed as a separate medical bay as, among other things, its simulation capabilities allow for a more agreeable environment. But the lab will prove a quieter one for Holo. Still, I will ensure she is not cognizant, even on a subconscious level, of anything going on around her there."

Jaclyn thinks this over. "I'd like to talk to Holo first. I don't want this sprung on her."

"Of course. I believe you'll presently find your sister at her favourite spot on the grounds."

Meanwhile, in the lab...

Logan stands with his arms folded across his broad chest, impatient -given what more time means- to know the results of Jean's idea from the other day: "So what's the verdict?"

Jean, peering at a certain sample of blood for not the first time, sighs with controlled yet visible frustration. "Not the answer."

Beast seems to have a sample of his own he's going over, and further explains: "Instead of the healing factor of your x-gene affecting the virus as we had hoped, the virus is affecting it just as negatively as any other. If you had come into contact with the Rose Mist, you would be experiencing cellular growth on an exponential level across your entire body, and we know where uncontrollable cell growth can lead."

Logan stuffs his own irritation in favour of sympathizing with Jean: "I'm sorry you got your hopes up."

"I am too." Her eyes shift as though she's thinking of what next to try, seeing past the present disappointment is a challenge just yet.

"Well I'll leave you guys to get back to it."

Meanwhile, in the Danger Medical Room.

Colbur: "Hey! Check this out."

Iceman and Rogue pause in what they're doing to see what Colbur has to show.

"While you guys were in dreamland last night I was thinkin' of how tired I am putting rocks out accidentally, and so I thought..." He holds his hand palm up, and starts to produce a rock like normal. But then, absorbing it back into his hand -as though absorbing the properties itself- he turns his very hand rocky. "Ha! Why not just reverse it? I just got the hang of it. I can do it any time I feel a rock coming on. Or whenever!" He shifts back and forth between his regular and his rocky skin a couple times. "I got the idea from you, Iceman."


"Yeah, when you don't have those on," he points to Bobby's ice-blocking gloves. "I just thought of the way you ice up your hand and, 'hey, if that guy can do it like that, why can't I'?"

"Pretty cool."

Colbur makes his hand rocky again: "You mean solid."

They share a small laugh.

Suddenly a young voice is heard "Everyone get away from them!" and two small spheres of ball lightning become the centre of attention. Their accidental creator making repeated grabbing motions in their direction as though to call them back, but it isn't working.

One explodes.

Other Mutant: "You're making it worse!"

"I didn't mean to! I can't-"

Scott's among those who have been disturbed. He takes the situation in and looks vaguely poised to do something, but what?

While the explosion wasn't large enough to harm anything -or anyone- the remaining ball now increases in size-

-until Storm takes care of it; directing it up and out of the way at the same time as decreasing its mass. It now floats along the ceiling. "I'm sure Dr. McCoy can fit you with some surge-protecting gloves. But first, anyone else with weather-related powers who I may need to stay by?"


She addresses the lightning ball kid: "Alright. Let's go to the lab." A hand on them in a kindly guiding way, she directs her other and one final bit of attention to the remaining ball lightning, causing it to explode; harmlessly.

Scott settles back down.

At this point Logan is in the room to check on Rogue again, his eyes coming down from the minor event at the ceiling. Storm exchanges a greeting with him as she guides the kid past.

Before Logan can step much further in, two other mutants come up to him.

One does all the talking.

"Do we have to stay in here?"


"I mean when we came, we didn't think we were signing up to spend this stressful time in a room full of strangers all freaking out with their powers."

Logan looks past them and surveys the room. Now that the excitement with ball lightning kid has passed, it's relatively tame; those whose mutation has brought them powers skewing more on the mild side. "Freaking out" isn't really an accurate description.

The Talker presses on: "Why does it feel like we're being quarantined if this thing's not contagious?"

Logan's had about all he wants of this conversation: "Look, the idea is you're being treated. Would you rather be in a hospital?" The question is skeptically rhetoric. "I'm pretty sure it would be a big step down." He tries to go past them.

"But we're not being treated!" The Talker appeals to their partner, who just nods, albeit firmly.

"You will be." He tries again.

"We're getting worse instead! Come on! I mean is this even what we're lead to believe?!"

Another voice suddenly breaks into the conversation - Cyclops: "If you have to ask maybe you're not feeling the affects of this much beyond stress - others can't say that." Indeed -though having risen up some for the purpose of doing so, he's speaking from his bed. But more so, his attention shifts theirs to Alex. "To answer your question 'no', if you're not a risk to other people you're still free to make your own choices and leave. But if you stay--nghn.." the dizziness seems to overcome him; he comes down on one arm while his opposite hand goes to his head.

Logan picks up his intent, stating squarely to the Talker: "You do it with respect. For the people really suffering, and for the ones who ARE working to stop this."

Finally -with a look to Scott that he manages to meet- Logan is able to walk past these two.

The Talker has one final thought to share, though now to no one in particular: "Well jeeze, I was just asking." They and their partner return to their part of the room.

...Xavier is taking a moment in his office.

Eyes closed, he sighs heavily before opening them.

Perhaps this wasn't the wisest choice for a break -- or perhaps he chose it deliberately.

There are some framed photographs about.

One depicts his original trio of X-Men: Storm, Jean Grey, and Cyclops.

One acting as primary steward under the present circumstances; one doing their best to bring an end to them; and one...whose end may come from them.

A heavier sigh - Xavier closes his eyes again, could be mistaken for prayer. Instead, he's concentrating.

We suddenly hear the hubbub of the school as if it's all taking place in this very room.

Students discussing what's going on with each other. Students dealing with it themselves. The knowns and unknowns filtering through all the minds in their own ways. Some don't even seem bothered at all...wondering when school is going to resume, or when they'll get to hit the mall again....

But suddenly Xavier's multi-perspective on the matter comes down to one; a mental voice he hones in on among the cacophony. An unexpected one, for what's going through it: 'About that mist? I'm really sorry. When you talked about it the other day it made me think of something else.'

It sounds like these words are being read.

'I didn't tell you because it's about my parents. But I know I got to. You've got to tell whoever's in charge. I think my parents made it.'

Xavier comes out of the telepathic space.

He goes at once to the room of the specific boy whose mind he just tapped.

There is more than one boy calling this room their own, each on the late end of pre-teen or early end of teens, but only one -disconcerted- is on the computer. His attention remaining there even as a knock sounds at his door -one that doesn't await a response.

"Elias. What are you doing there?"

Elias' attention -surprised now, and perhaps assured- goes at once to the Professor. " you know?"

The others in the room look between them curiously.

"I know what you just read. Who is the sender?"

"It's a kid I shared a cabin with at Summers' camp. Greyson. He's been really cool about us, mutants I mean, and the other day I was kind of upset about this whole mist virus thing, so told him what was going on."

"Do you know where Greyson lives? Or can you ask him?

"Just a second.." Reverting attention to the computer, Elias goes about getting the next piece of information which may prove key. .


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